Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New Road Test

Did the five hour today and yesterday.. it was a lot better than the first time. =| That guy was a total jackass while this guy seemed really sweet and nice and he definitely didn't try to make us feel stupid. All he did was talk and he'd ask a few questions but people that had their hands up would answer.

But yes, I have another road test set for September 12 at 10 am. =| Which is really close to my due date on September 19th..

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Month of Busyness

Like wholy poo I feel like I haven't sat down in forever. =\\
July 2nd Celebrated 4th of July with Brad's friends

July 4th Celebrated 4th of July with my family (including my aunt and cousins from Georgia) at Point Gratiot/ Lakewood for fireworks

July 6th Road test

July 8th Bonfire/smores with parents

July 9th Family reunion at Long Point State Park

Might be doing a photo shoot with Alyssa tomorrow..

July 11 & 12th I'll be doing my five hour again. Also have a doctors appointment on 12th.

July 23rd Brad's "brother's" wedding.

I'm exhausted..

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Failed Road Test

='[[ I fail. How lame.. I should of just slowed down a bit, I was in a hurry I guess. I don't know. I got 40 points, to pass it can't be more than 30.. So I failed by 10 points.. =[[

Leaving Curb
- uses mirror only, fails to check blind spot 5 points
He said I did it really good and checked blind spot when I pulled out the first time but after that I just used my mirrors.. Gr.
So make sure I check blind spot when pulling out of parking spot.

Turning and Intersections
-Poor Judgement Approaching or at Intersections
Stopping 10 points
He said I didn't stop long enough to consider it a full stop at some of the stop signs..
So make sure I stay at the stop signs longer.

Parking, Backing & U-Turn
-Fails to Adequately Observe/ Use Caution 10 points
I think I got the 10 points here because I forgot to check blind spot before I did my K turn.
So make sure I check blind spot before I do K turn and maybe look behind me more, towards curb, not at the car when I'm doing parallel?
-Excessive Maneuvers in 3-point turn 5 points
Lame.. he had me do it near a drive way but he didn't want me to use the drive way so when I realised that if I tried doing it where he told me to do it I might go into drive way I tried going a little further down the road where there was no drive way.. he was mad that I didn't do it right there even though I did it perfectly. He was mean.. He was like I didn't want you to use the drive way but I wanted you to do it at drive way.. like wtf. >=\

Driving in Traffic
-When changing lanes fails to Observe 10 points
Really lame.. I didn't know I had to look in my mirror to check for drivers behind me when changing into a tiny little lane meant just for you to turn.. >=\ Like I would of obviously checked my mirror if it was an actual lane like in lakewood before trying to get on it but if it's just a tiny little thing I doubt anyone might go faster than me and cause any type of accident because I get on it too.
So make sure I look in my mirrors more often.. >=\

So Lameeeee, if I just stopped at the stop signs longer or just looked at my mirror when pulling into a turning lane I would of passed . Blehhhhhhh stupid little things cost so much points.. I wasn't even that nervous.. but he was a real jerk.. He didn't like me from the start when he found out I didn't have AC.

So looks like I'll be doing my 5 hour in frewsburg next week.. 11 & 12th.. (the same days my dad is having knee surgery) I am glad I didn't cancel my appointment after finding out I should be alright with my expired certificate. I figured I wouldn't just in case I didn't pass. If I did cancel it it'd probably take another couple months before I could do it. It's already probably going to be a couple months before I can take the test again. >=\ I tried setting up another road test already but I can't because I don't have my new 5 hour certificate number.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Road Test

Tomorrow is my road test, I'm really nervous =\\\ and it might rain which makes it a little more lame.. 30% chance. hmm.

I'm still only worried about the parallel. =\\ Ughhh. I really hope I pass!

I really want to post on facebook about my road test being tomorrow but I know I probably shouldn't just in case I fail I won't feel too bad about failing because not everyone will know about it and askk. =\\ I plan on going out for ice cream with my dad or something if I pass. =] I really hope it doesn't rain. Ughh, I just thought of that... it's not really fun to get an ice cream if it's not even nice out.. I was thinking about going to Tasty Corner.. Mmm cotton candy ice cream is my fave. Now I'm hungry. So bye.

Friday, July 1, 2011


Hummm, I am upset currently but it's my own fault.. I was in a really good mood until I decided to look up if I should be upset because my husband watches porn.. I've been trying to ignore my feelings about it because I figured it's a healthy thing all guys do... But a lot of people seem to think it's bad and I don't know what to do now.. He already knows I don't like it and I don't think he has watched any in a couple days unless he watches it on his new cell phone.. =\\ He probably does because he's always babying that thing.. it's always in his pocket and I'm figuring that he doesn't want me to see something on it.. =[ I know there's playboy apps.

The only reason I have a problem with it is because it seems to be effecting our love life. He doesn't know that I know his password to his laptop.. and I've been secretly getting on to see if he's watched any porn... (I know I am a bad wife ='[[) he usually does it right before work while I am sleeping and when he is smoking pot cause he knows I don't want to be near it while pregnant. I've tried stopping it by waking up the same time he wakes up and have sex with him.. he says that we should do that more often but it doesn't seem like he ejaculates or anything so he probably isn't really enjoying it. In a video I watched the guy says something like it's a lazy form of sex.. and I believe that could be a big reason to him watching porn.. Also in another video about porn crap the guy said that a guy can get accustomed to a certain rhythm and pressure while masturbating that he won't be able to get the same feeling from vaginal intercourse with a girl so he won't get the same pleasure.. plus guys are so involved with visual stimulation that they can't really perform intimacy.

Sigh, I don't know what to do.. I guess I just need to try to catch him in the process again and talk to him about it.. =\\ Hopefully he'll try to stop or I might just have to leave him because it's really unfair to me.