Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Failed Road Test

='[[ I fail. How lame.. I should of just slowed down a bit, I was in a hurry I guess. I don't know. I got 40 points, to pass it can't be more than 30.. So I failed by 10 points.. =[[

Leaving Curb
- uses mirror only, fails to check blind spot 5 points
He said I did it really good and checked blind spot when I pulled out the first time but after that I just used my mirrors.. Gr.
So make sure I check blind spot when pulling out of parking spot.

Turning and Intersections
-Poor Judgement Approaching or at Intersections
Stopping 10 points
He said I didn't stop long enough to consider it a full stop at some of the stop signs..
So make sure I stay at the stop signs longer.

Parking, Backing & U-Turn
-Fails to Adequately Observe/ Use Caution 10 points
I think I got the 10 points here because I forgot to check blind spot before I did my K turn.
So make sure I check blind spot before I do K turn and maybe look behind me more, towards curb, not at the car when I'm doing parallel?
-Excessive Maneuvers in 3-point turn 5 points
Lame.. he had me do it near a drive way but he didn't want me to use the drive way so when I realised that if I tried doing it where he told me to do it I might go into drive way I tried going a little further down the road where there was no drive way.. he was mad that I didn't do it right there even though I did it perfectly. He was mean.. He was like I didn't want you to use the drive way but I wanted you to do it at drive way.. like wtf. >=\

Driving in Traffic
-When changing lanes fails to Observe 10 points
Really lame.. I didn't know I had to look in my mirror to check for drivers behind me when changing into a tiny little lane meant just for you to turn.. >=\ Like I would of obviously checked my mirror if it was an actual lane like in lakewood before trying to get on it but if it's just a tiny little thing I doubt anyone might go faster than me and cause any type of accident because I get on it too.
So make sure I look in my mirrors more often.. >=\

So Lameeeee, if I just stopped at the stop signs longer or just looked at my mirror when pulling into a turning lane I would of passed . Blehhhhhhh stupid little things cost so much points.. I wasn't even that nervous.. but he was a real jerk.. He didn't like me from the start when he found out I didn't have AC.

So looks like I'll be doing my 5 hour in frewsburg next week.. 11 & 12th.. (the same days my dad is having knee surgery) I am glad I didn't cancel my appointment after finding out I should be alright with my expired certificate. I figured I wouldn't just in case I didn't pass. If I did cancel it it'd probably take another couple months before I could do it. It's already probably going to be a couple months before I can take the test again. >=\ I tried setting up another road test already but I can't because I don't have my new 5 hour certificate number.

1 comment:

  1. that's lame i was expecting you to pass
    but the guy did seem lame

    your anger at looking in the mirror was funny, it seems like an obvious thing to do always but maybe thats just because im always afraid of crashing adumbs mom always tells me to check the mirror when she takes me driving

    your 5 hr was hard to get? x.x ugh sounds lame. idk when im going to drive again adumbs mom said she could take me after her car gets inspected at least youll be able to pay attention this time and hopefully dont have an asshole teacher

    hopefully this doesnt make me more scared of failure x.x maybe i will just never drive

    at least you had the experience once so it will get better blahh
