Thursday, June 2, 2011

Can't Stop Coughing

I've been kinda sick for the last few days.. my voice sounds funky and I cough a lot. Blehh.

I haven't really had anything interesting to say about my life lately because I haven't really done anything really interestingg. Humm.

This week went by really fast. I want to say a couple things that happened last weekend but I feel kinda dumb bringing it up like a week later. I will anyways because it was really fun and I'm thinking about posting picturess.

Well last weekend was memorial weekend, we went out to Cherry Creek to visit Brad's somewhat brother Brian.. (Brad's dad dated his mom) Oh and yay they (Brian and Cherilyn) are getting married next monthhhhhh and we are invited! =] I'm excited, I haven't been to a wedding since my parents. Back then I didn't really know what was going on but now I get to have an idea of what I am supposed to do for my own wedding.. like I really have no idea besides walking down the lane with my dad to Brad and repeat vows the dude says. Brad is kinda upset because Brian didn't ask him to be his best man and Brad's thinking about having him be his best man in our wedding. Anyways they weren't there.. and we waited for like an hour hoping they would come home but they didn't so we went back to Brad's step dad's place. (We dropped Devin off there because someone wanted to see him but they didn't even show up) We ended up staying there until it started storming.. we just had a fire started and it began to rain.

At like 4pm Brad's step dad's girlfriend invited me to go to visit her farm because she wanted to plant her tomatoes. We arrived at her place and she let me put her daughters rubber boots on because I was wearing my flip flops and her barn was really wet and pooey. She did like a little tour of her farm before we planted. I got to see all her animals... the only one I got to pet was a little goat named Marvin, he was extra friendly probably because he's a baby and Devin has been bottle feeding him. All their goats had horn issues, they tried to burn them off or something but they keep trying to grow back. The female cows and goats like surrounded us once we stopped moving because they thought they were going to get some treats or something, instead we just picked some of the grass off the ground and fed them. that was kinda neat. I kinda touched the head of one of the cows before it bolted away. It was the first time I was so close to cows with no beerier between me and the animal. I made sure I didn't get too close to them from the behind because I didn't want to get kicked or anything. All the animals pretty much free roam the farm (except in the fall season because I guess deer come out on the farm and the cows can get a disease), but they usually can go inside the barn whenever they want or go outside, the chickens and cats were allowed to go anywhere, the cows and goats obviously had a fence to keep them in one area. The mature male cows (there were three, a bull, and two others they plan on eating =[[ I can't remember the name for the bull but the other two were named DinDin and Quarter Pounder) were on the other side of the farm to keep them away from the baby cows and all the mature females.. the bull kept mooing because he wanted to pregnate the females again but they had just given birth so they need some time to recuperate. I really like her farm but I don't think I could ever do something like that myself. Just way too dirty.

We found like 5 eggs the chickens layed, since they free roam they pretty much lay them wherever there's a pile of hay. Some were in a wheel barrow and the others were in a corner of a stable. Her Rooster is freaken huge and he followed us around. I'm wondering if any of the things she planted are going to grow because after we got done some of her chickens like dug around them looking for worms to eat.

So yes, I took pictures of the animals and I'll probably post them up.Align Center

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