Monday, June 6, 2011

I am Still Sick

Blehh, go away coughhhhhh. It gets worse when I try to sleep for some reason, I try to not cough so I don't disturb Brad or wake Kailynn but then my eyes water.

I've been going outside with Kailynn a lot lately since the weather has been nice. She's becoming more and more easier to control outside.. I'm pretty sure she knows not to go in the road now.. yesterday she didn't try to go out in the road.. she was actually really good outside yesterday... she didn't stray away from my parents yard that often. I loved it.

Oh and my mother showed her how to pick flowers.. they were buttercups. So cute, she was amazed and she kept shoving them up mine and mom's nose so we'd smell them. lol. I kept one that she gave me.. my very first flower from Kailynn <3

She's also getting really smart. It amazes me sometimes.. she'll pick up random words really fast.. like when I brought her outside and we went out front and walked past my car she said "carrrrr!" without me even saying anything. Than she found these wooden white duck yard decorations and I told her they were ducks and she said ducks like a million times. It was cute. She also tries to say butterfly when she notices the light butterflys my mom has out.

Yesterday I practiced parallels in front of my house, using my dad's truck as the front vehicle. I'm almost confident with those.. I really think if I was to get any points deducted on my test it would be because of my parallel, if even that.. like I said I think I'm pretty good. I just hope they don't try to make me do it in a real cramped spot. I'm pretty sure I know everything else I am supposed to do.. so the road test people better be nice and let me take it and pass me. Alyssa practiced with my dad's van.. She didn't think she could do it with my "boat" even though the van is obviously larger than my car. She just feels more comfortable with the van because my dad lets her drive it sometimes.. She really wanted to do it with her car but my dad didn't feel like charging it up or something.

My parents did more work to the house next door.. they rototilled the front garden like area and stained the wood on the porch/deck. They also just found out that the bathroom has been invaded by carpenter ants, they knew something was in there because they could hear movement, they thought it might be mice or something but my dad cut a whole in the ceiling and a bunch of ants fell out. So they are now trying to figure out to kill the queen ant wherever she is because I guess you can't get rid of them unless you kill her. If you just try to kill the ants you see she'll just pop out even more baby ants to replace them..

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