Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Went to the doctors today. It's that time of pregnancy when you see the doctor once a week. But yess, there was a new nurse lady I never seen there. She was super pretty. Perfect blonde hair... I wanted to ask her so bad how her hair is so perfect, I hate mine. It's so frizzy and gross. Reminded me kinda of Nicole Bennett's. I've always thought her hair is perfect...

I also gained almost another three pounds. Yes, I gained 3 pounds in a week.. Ugh. I weighed 164.8 >=\\ This baby better be huge but not too huge so that I have a hard time pushing him out... and I better lose like ten pounds as soon as he pops out. Hopefully at least 7 pounds of him (K was like 7.2 pounds when she was born), a few pounds of water crap and placenta.

Doctor said I have gained more weight with this baby than I did for Kailynn. 32 pounds for K, and 35 pounds for him so far. Blehhhhhh. It's strange I don't think I look like I'm bigger than I was for Kailynn.

She also told me that she had two girls give birth this last weekend and they went really fast, also I guess one was a boy and one was a girl. She barely made it on time to help deliver.. =| I hope she isn't late for mine.

Humm, I didn't have her look to see if I've dilated anymore.. She gave me the option.. and I rather not have her shoving her hand inside me if it's not needed. It really hurt when she did it.. probably because I haven't had sex in forever. Last week she did it because she had to do a strep test on me. Last week I was only like a finger tip dilated. I probably should have had her check because I've been getting some intense cramps. I really think if I went for a walk the baby would pop out really soon.. even though I kinda want to do that, I also don't because my road test is the 12th and who knows if I'll be out of hospital by then. =\\\

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