Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Sigh, this relationship is kinda confusingggggg. Grah. I love him so much sometimes. I don't think he means to hurt my feelings when it comes to not having sex.. I don't know. I just want that connection sometimesss and I get jealous of porn.

But he has been super nice to me the last couple days... and we just had a really long good conversation in the kitchen about a whole bunch of random crap. He told me that he doesn't feel very loved by me.. which confused me and kinda made me upset because it made me feel bad... I thought I made it clear that I loved him but I guess not. <3 He almost seemed to choke up a little when he told me that... so cute of him.

&& Yesterday he sent me a couple really cute messages. <3<3<3<3

"I love u so very very much just wanted to let u know i was thinkin bout u at 545 this morning :)" Tue, Sep 6 5:46 am

"If only you knew how much i love you!!!!! :):):):):):):):)!!!!<3"
Tue, Sep 6 8:05 am

That's exactly what they read... I counted all the smilies and exclamation marks.

Days like this make me feel like the luckiest girl to have him but like there's still things missing in the relationship and I think he finally realizes it too because in our conversation he was thinking of ways to improve our relationship... it was super nice..

Ughh I am like fighting back tears because I'm so happy that we talked.

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