Friday, October 28, 2011

Too Many Questions or Thoughts

Questions that are often going through my mind:

Is he watching porn now?

Why does he love me?

Why does he like my sister?

Is he attracted to me?

Does he think my sister is more attractive?

Has he cheated on me?

Is he really where he says he is/or should be?

Was/is he lying?

What else did he do?

Will I ever be able to trust him completely again?

Will our sex life ever change?

Will I ever stop thinking about ending this relationship?

Should we be together because I have so many trust issues?

What did he mean when he said he wanted to better our relationship?

Was it just something he felt like he should say but didn't really mean it?

On a side note.. Sometimes it's hard for me to care for a relationship I don't feel secure in. =\\

It must be nice to feel secure in a relationship.. he seems to have no worries about me or maybe he just doesn't care because he knows he's not all innocent.

I don't feel appreciated, I feel like I'm taken for granted.

Sometimes I think he's only with me so he doesn't have to pay more child support.

Sometimes I think that I want to lose weight so that I can be sexy for someone else, not Brad.

Sometimes like the sentence prior to this one I want to say something that might lead him to believe there might be someone else just in case he does read this.

Sometimes I wish I could read his brain.. I actually just thought that maybe I should let him read this.. but it's not fair. I'm completely okay with being an open book to him or anyone really but I feel like he's hiding so much from me on a daily basis. I want to know everything too. I wish he would write down every concern or thought about us.

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