Monday, April 11, 2011

Beautiful Day

Today was beautiful outside!! Found out that we should definitely find a place that has a fenced yard. Now that Kailynn is pro at walking she just loves to run everywhere.. roads, other people's yards. A big pain in the butt to enjoy the outdoors now. =[[ Kailynn started learning to walk like a month before her birthday (August) so she crawled most of the summer and when she began to walk wasn't so good at it to get far fast. Now she's everywhere in a matter of seconds. Blehhh. I took a couple pictures while out there but they weren't that good because she didn't want to stand still.

Another thing Brad brought up is that a lot of apartments don't come with dishwashers... >=\ I really hope that's not true or we find a place that does.. because I HATE washing dishes by hand, I never really had to do it because my parents always had a washer. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee lord, give me a dish washerrrrrrrr. Or we will be eating off paper plates and paper cups. ;x

Acayla embarrassed the shit out of me. I think she's like 9. I really don't want to say it but I will because I rather not censor my journal. Kailynn was being good and was going for a little walk a few houses down.. I was following her and she fell on little pebbles. I picked her up and made sure she was okay, Kailynn mumbled a little bit (I know for sure she didn't say the n word because I never say it and Brad rarely ever says it) and Acayla like yelled out. "She said nigger!!!" (for some reason Acayla and Aiden like to scream out things that they think Kailynn said) My mouth seriously dropped because we were like right in front of a "black" (I'm sorry but I don't really like to differentiate humans by ethnic or the color of their skin so I'm not really sure of a proper way to call the group of people to explain the situation, it wouldn't help if I just blurted out their names) families home AND they were outside playing basketball. They are really nice boys too.. Acayla, Aiden, Alaynie and Devin all play with them when they are outside.. I yelled at Acayla quietly just in case they didn't hear her because I didn't want to make it more awkward. I told her that was a bad word and that she shouldn't ever say it especially around black people and she replied "Alaynie said it's not a bad word!" >=\\ I told her it's really mean. I still feel really bad because I wish I knew if they heard her and apologize if they did.. =\\ I kinda think the mother might of heard (she was looking in our direction and she's white so I want to think she's more understanding =\\) What do you think I should of done?? =[[[

I really wish my freaken parent's would take better care of their kids.. back when me and Alyssa were little we were never allowed to say any "bad" words and I hear Alaynie and Acayla calling each other bitches all the time. Really makes me mad, they don't pay any attention to the kids because they are both addicted to Secondlife.

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