Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mom's Birthday

I'm hoping by making my mom's birthday the subject, I will be able to find this post easily again next year so if I wonder when her birthday is (because I always forget) I can find it. She turned 40 this year.
Now I need to figure out when my dad's birthday is... I know it's in May and is close to mothers day.. but that's about it, and I believe he's only a couple years older than mom. I really need to write this crap down or find a way to remember. =|

Mom's Birthday: April 5th
Dad's Birthday: May ?
Alyssa's Birthday: October 17th
Alaynie's Birthday: October 18th
Acayla's Birthday: ????
Aiden's Birthday: August 15th
Kailynn's Birthday: August 18th
Brad's Birthday: March 26th
Devin's Birthday: March 12th
Jen's Birthday: January 16
Cj's Birthday: September 11th
Ashley's Birthday: December 14th
My Birthday: December 12th
Oh yeah and I hope my dad get's his van fixed by the 19th. I have a doctors appointment at 3 and because Brad has been getting lots of overtime he doesn't want to sacrifice some of it to take me to my appointment. =[[ He hasn't gone to any of this baby's appointments because he's afraid Kailynn will be a pain in the butt. Boo, anyways my dad's van has been getting fixed for like a month at some garage to fix everything that needs to be fixed. So it should be done by then.. I hope. I don't want to have to walk, if I knew it was going to be nice than sure I could probably walk but it'll probably rain and that will piss me off having to walk to drs appointment and be all wet by the time I get there and I'll probably have to lug Kailynn there with me. If my dad get's his van he can probably take me there. If he still has to use his truck there wouldn't be enough room for me, Kailynn and the kids after he's picked them up from school. If he gets van he could also keep Kailynn with him while I'm getting checked. Sigh whatever, I wish Brad was nicer to me. Yay for us having a vehicle but Ashlynn doesn't ever get rides to her doctors appointments when Brad gets overtime.. >=\

This is my third time editing <> want to added something else even though it probably doesn't interest anyone who might read this besides me. We didn't have chili today =[ we had the taco stuff instead. I looked in our cabinet for chili seasoning and didn't find any. Brad picked some up on his way home from work. Chili tomorrow! Also as I type this I am munching on a huge rice crispy treat I made yesterday. Yum, yay for blaming baby on my fatness. It's definitely not because I have a huge bag of sour patch kids and a big batch of rice crispy treats... ;]

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