Friday, April 1, 2011

Just Thinking

I was just laying on the couch in complete darkness just now for a little bit waiting for Kailynn to fall asleep with her daddy, this is actually a normal routine of mine.

Our bed is in our living room because we have a really tiny apartment and once Kailynn was born she pretty much took control of our bedroom. This apartment only has one bedroom. First she kicked Brad out (because he works early in the morning and the alarm clock would wake her up.. he slept on the couch) He quickly got tired of that and decided to move the bed out into the living room so that we could sleep together and he could sleep in a bed again (our bed was noisy anyways so that kinda helped more with keeping her asleep during the night) We haven't moved yet because rent is extremely cheap and it's helping us get other things that we need.

Plus my parents also were thinking about buying the house next door, fixing it and letting us live there.. until my dad tore up his knee at work and now limps whenever he needs to walk, he almost has no cartilage in that knee because he's had so many surgeries on it since his motorcycle accident back when he was a teenager. Because his job requires lots of lifting and transporting things from one place to another he doesn't think he'll last much longer there, they have him doing light duty now because his doctor keeps giving him time to heal but it's obvious it's not going to be normal again. So now he and my mom are planning to move over there if they can get it because he's always wanted a one family house and this may be his last chance. So we are planning on finding a another place and moving sometime in August, before the new baby is born.

Today summed up:
Cleaned till Brad got of work at 6:30 pm.
Went to walmart got more pictures developed.. I believe 78 pictures total.. $11
Looked at jewelry and ended up buying some rings and earrings. $10
Went to arbys drive thru for Kailynn and Brad's dinner.
Went to Chinese restaurant place and got myself some takeout. I always feel kinda strange going in there to get take out because they always want to sit you at a table.. This older guy that was waiting for his friend to stop hitting on the Chinese waitress kept staring at me also. Bleh. OMG but the food was yum.. been craving it for so freaken long. $8.01
Ate dinner, watched a little bit of American Idol and then watched a movie called The Next 3 Days. Good movie.
Now I'm here talking to Jen on lame Facebook chat and updating my journal..
Thinking about watching a couple shaytards.. so later alligators!

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