Sunday, April 17, 2011

Stupid Movie

I don't know what I could write about today.. but I want to write something...... Hm.
Had spaghetti for dinner... I've been craving it for awhile now..
That Buried movie was really lame, I didn't like any of it.. not just the ending. It made my chest hurt also.. because in the whole movie he's in a tiny box buried under sand. Made me want to hold my breath throughout the whole thing.
Thinking about making another polyvore.. kinda. Makes me kinda sad that I'm not getting any "likes" for the things I make or win any contests. =[ I feel like they have gotten better too.. =[

Here for the lack of a post I'll share a picture I just found on Stumble that made me laugh and smile. Reminds me of Kailynn, so cute. <3 The hair, the legs, the chubby cheeks.. the book. Maybe I should try potty training her?

Kailynn loves books now, if they are paper though she sometimes rip them (yay for cardboard bookssss) but she'll be carrying them under her arms put them on the coffee table and flip through the pages pointing at things. I told her that her daddy probably wouldn't like it if she became a librarian because he's all about being cool and non geekish. I told Brad that I didn't think he would like her to be a librarian but shockingly he said she wouldn't be an ugly one so he's fine with it I guess Oo

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