Monday, April 4, 2011

Cleaning up the Weekend Mess

This morning it was lightning and thundering, one loud one woke me up, made me jump a little and my heart race. I was surprised it didn't wake up Kailynn.

Did a bunch of cleaning, like every Monday I clean for like 6 hours.. especially after Devin has been here for the weekend... for some reason when he's here or not here this place looks like a tornado has run through it. Every weekend, It's terrible. Takes me forever to clean. So now this place is looking alright although the living room could use a vacuum, which I'll do tomorrow. Yay.
Had meatball subs for dinner today, wrote a list for the week... chili tomorrow. Taco hamburger helper kinda stuff Wednesday. Brad gets paid Thursday so probably pizza. Friday hungry man dinners. Bleh.

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