Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New Bed, Chinese, Aunts

Yesterday was a bit of a rush... Brad came home for lunch and told me that we were having a bed delivered here between 1pm - 3pm and it was going to be bigger so I had to make more room for it. So I took Kailynn's little toy box out from the corner of the living room and put it in her room and moved the couch over.. The guys didn't show up until it was almost 3, I had to sign a couple things because it was brand new or something.. I don't know. They just left the bed standing up in the corner.. even though I really shouldn't of had, I put the bed together.
The mattress itself was like 100 pounds. I was just going to but the box board down so I knew how much room it needed because it didn't look like there was enough space for it but the mattress ended up falling into the middle of the living room and I couldn't just leave it there because we couldn't go around it or anything. That thing was so heavy and took me awhile to maneuver it.
I really hope the baby is okay... I'm always scared I'm going to kill the baby by lifting heavy things because everyone at work made sure I didn't have to pick up anything heavy when I was pregnant and working.. (I just looked it up and I guess the danger of lifting heavy things is not for the baby but for the mother because your center of gravity has changed and you might not be able to balance yourself with the extra weight so you can could fall and hurt yourself or even the baby.) I thought it would cause premature separation of the placenta but I guess not and I'm not spotting so that's good.

Mom came up here around 6 pm and asked if I wanted to go to chinese and I told her yeah but I'd have to make Brad's dinner first. So I made it and got Kailynn ready for dinner. Brad got home and noticed the bed and noticed it was extremely high up and he sat on it and said he didn't like how high up it was.. than I told him that I was going out to eat with Mom and he got pissed. >=\ "We were supposed to eat dinner together" Yeah well what about the weekends? You don't give a shit about eating with me then. "I'm not going to pay you this week if you leave" "Who's going to feed Kailynn?" "I'm not eating because you are ruining it" Whateverrrrrrrr. He tries to control everything I do and it makes me mad.. like every time I try going somewhere without him he gives me a hard time about it. Can't believe he got so mad at me for just wanting to eat Chinese with my mother.. So I have a feeling he's probably going to ditch me this weekend to drink and leave Devin the brat with me again. Whatever.

So I left anyways just to prove that he can't and won't control me. Dad dropped us off there. Got our table and ate and talked about random stuff like the food on our plate, she had white strings things on her plate and I asked what it was.. she said rice noodles and it was good and offered me some but I didn't try it. Talked about how she tried to make egg drop soup and it ended up being a disaster.

Than I brought up the Aunts. Linda got out of the hospital yesterday, I guess they let her. My Aunt Pam is getting a cage screwed to her head on Monday for the surgery she's getting.. The cage is to make sure she doesn't move at all because I guess they are using some type of laser like thing to burn it up so that the tumor doesn't grow anymore.. guess it'll stay in there. I guess if they tried opening her brain up to get it out she would die so they are doing something similar to neurosurgery but different and called something else but I forgot the name of it. The cage sounds really scary because they will obviously numb her for when the screws first goes in but once it hits her skull it's going to hurt a lot... because you can't really numb bone.. and they can't knock her out completely because they need her to be awake to make sure they haven't hit anything important during the laser part.. so I'm guessing they'll probably have her sing the alphabet or wiggle some body parts or something to make sure she's okay, scary stuff. =\\\\ She said she heard someone getting it done also and they were screaming their heads off =| Not sure how true that is.. I guess they found the tumor because she lost all hearing in one of her ears. =\\

So that was our dinner conversation basically, I went home to a dark hallway and the door locked, luckily I figured he was going to be jerk and had my keys in my sweater so I didn't have to possibly look for them in my purse in the dark.. He was laying in bed and the bed didn't have the baseboards anymore so it was lower.. than I waited for K to fall asleep and I went to sleep.

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