Monday, April 25, 2011

Busyness and Kailynn's 2nd Easter

Saturday we test drove the car. Brad drove it out a few miles and I drove it back. Only little things came up like it was a tiny bit loud but they said that they'll fix the muffler leak or whatever it's called before we even left. It also steered to the right but that should be fixed too.. the steering wheel probably just needs to be realigned. It also didn't have any power steering. That just means it needs some fluid, should be fixed as well. Brad's going to mention everything to them that needs fixing plus we aren't going to buy it unless they have it inspected. It would be pointless to buy a car if we can't get it on the road because there's something wrong with it and can't get it to pass inspection. Hopefully since the tires are pretty low on tread maybe they'll provide new ones in order to pass inspection if not we'll probably have to buy new tires before snow falls.

Edit: Brad left work early today to talk to the dealer because he hasn't been available both times we've went there. He finally got the bills of sales and handed it into the bank. The dealer said he could have the car ready by this Wednesday but since we still need to get it insured and the plates, we're going to pick it up on Friday after my ultrasound... =]] I'm really excited for Friday... I get to bring home my car and find out what my baby is. Best day evvvvverrrrrrrrrrrr. Kinda scary though because I'll probably have to drive it home illegally since Brad will have to drive his truck back home. I don't know it's going to be confusing since Brad is getting his Eclipse out too.

I have no idea where we are going to park three vehicles. Brad isn't even going to be able to park where he parks now much longer because the house next door is going up for auction. Everyone else in the neighborhood already parks in the street. Grandma's Monte Carlo is taking our parking spot.. =\\ This household has way too many vehicles.. My dad has Grandma's Monte Carlo, Alyssa's Hyundai, their truck and van.. Now we are going to have an Eclipse, Aurora, and Durango. That's 7 vehicles, it's going to look like a dealership here. LOOL. Ugh, I really don't know. I don't think my parent's are going to like having our three vehicles around. Hopefully we find a place with an alright sized driveway.

Other news? I don't knowwwwww. Baby inside me seems fine I guess? I don't feel it much anymore but I'm guessing it's because I've been kinda busy and distracted by other things.

Kailynn is good, yesterday was Easter and she was so adorable going Easter egg hunting in my parents yard. I took a bunch of pictures that I might post on facebook after I'm done posting this. I wish I had my video camera but I was in a hurry trying to get Kailynn ready for it because everyone was waiting for us. Would of been really cute to get some of her reactions recorded.. She was like a pro at hunting eggs even though they were obvious and easy to find. I was so proud of her and shocked on how well she was doing.. She like knew to pick them up and place them in her basket that I was carrying around for her since the handle was pretty long. At first she was trying to squish them together to fit on the very bottom but than she just started throwing them in there. That's until she picked up an egg and it popped open on her, she literally jumped a tiny bit because it scared her. She obviously didn't know that they had anything in them or that they opened.. or maybe it made that little popping noise they make and that scared her?? Now that I think about it I wonder if she thought they were the hard boiled eggs we colored and dyed the night before... Poor thing <3 I love her. After that egg popped open with a little bright colored marshmallow bunny in her hands she jumped and threw it back on the ground, after that she didn't want anything to do with them, no more hunting... so me and my grandmother picked the rest up for her. My mom had a little Easter basket of things prepared for her, it had a bunny that had velcro on it's hands so grandma wrapped that around her. It also had strawberry smelling bubbles and egg shaped chalk and a sippy cup. <3 I blew a little bit of the bubbles outside and Kailynn covered her face.. lol. <3

We ended up making our own Easter dinner because we didn't think we were invited to eat with my parents and because we've been doing a lot of driving this week we didn't have enough gas to go to Brad's step dad's. It was yummy, I actually rather make our own food so that I know there's food I'll like.. like when we eat at Brad's Aunt Brenda for X-Mas Eve dinner I don't eat much because I don't really like the food they make or provide. I just go for the meat and potatoes.

Well I think that's about all I have to say.

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