Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Brain Troubles

sSeems like my aunts are all falling apart now. =[ My aunt Linda was in the hospital Sunday, not sure if she's still in there.. but she was in there because of something with her brain.. Not really sure what, I think a blood clot or something or just bleeding.. the same reason she was there last summer.. They had to fly her to another hospital but she didn't want to stay there so she left and my dad had to go find her.

Now my aunt Pam is getting brain surgery done next Monday because they found a tumor.. she added me on facebook Sunday night and around 4 pm monday she sent me a message to have my mom call her because it was important.. Not really sure what was said besides the tumor.. Not sure how my mom feels about it.. =| or if she's going to try being there for her.. I know they have been fighting and not really talking for a few years.

Me and mom were supposed to go out and have Chinese but I guess she forgot or didn't know that I wanted to do it today. So had frozen pizza instead that I totally mangled.. =| Half way through cooking I realized I accidentally was cooking the pizza on top of the cardboard that is usually under frozen pizza. It was smaller than the pizza so I didn't even see it. So I knew the crust wasn't going to be crispy so I tried getting the cardboard off and all the cheese slid to one side of the pizza. Than because the pizza wasn't frozen anymore or crispy it was so soft it was falling through the wires of the rack... so I tried getting it off the rack to put on a cooking sheet and it just kept breaking into like a million pieces.. roar, worst pizza ever... lol. I was kinda having a bad day.. I even forgot to turn off the stove after it was done cooking..

I fail at cooking.. I've burnt grill cheese... made really crappy french toast because I dipped the bread in egg too long so it was like an omelette. lol I know there's other things I've ruined. bleh.. well I think that's all that happened today. Adios.

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