Monday, May 16, 2011

Can I Just Die?

I'm so irritated with life right now... it's not even funny. Nothing is barely ever going right.

So I today I called DMV like 23593820598 times and they wouldn't answer the effing phone.. I need the new number for the 5 hour course.. yup that's right. I'm going to have to go through that boring bullshit over again and pay another $30. I don't even knowwwwwwwwwwwww.

Jen is going to have to do it again as well since her's expires the same time mine does. Hopefully I can get her and Alyssa to sign up with me.. =\\

I was setting my appointment up for the road test online (hopefully if I can get ahold of DMV maybe they'll have something sooner? (nevermind I just confirmed my appointment because I'm too afraid someone else is going to take it and I have to do it even more later)) but.. online the only thing they have available is 2 months from now.. which is after my 5 hour expires. >=\ and the times are even lamer. either 2 pm or 11 am. How the eff am I going to find someone that is licensed to bring me there that early.. plus I will need someone to watch Kailynn.

Brad is fucking lame and pretty much took all his vacation days already except the week he's going to take off to help me with the baby.. and take care of Kailynn while I'm in the hospital.. so there's no way in getting him to help me out and I'm also pretty sure my dad can't get any days off because he's taken too many off for his broken knee. You need a licensed driver to be there with you...

So freaken lameeeeeeeeee, makes me want to cry in anger. Just another thing to tack onto my busy schedule. I'm so stressed out I'm crying.. I'm going to need a babysitter and a licensed driver for both things (5 hour and road test).. I can probably get a cab to the five hour and back home.. plus I'll have to find rides/babysitter for two more doctor appointments... ugh, I don't know. Kill me. I get so stressed because I think about every little thing that is effected by one little thing that happens.. it's like a domino effect.. because this effing thing doesn't freaken work a million other things are going to get more difficult... one thing falls and they all fall.

I have to like figure everything out ahead of time.. or at least list my options or somethingggggg (I'm a huge list fan, =x I like to be organized and have everything listed down so it's not all a mess in my head, helps me figure things out better and remember thingsss) -does-

Dr. Appointment #1: Tuesday 5-17-11 3:15 pm dad/dad
Dr. Appointment #2: Tuesday 6-14-11 3:00pm jen?/ dad, cab, myself illegally?
Dr. Appointment #3: 7-?-11 Still need to set up jen, alaynie?/dad, cab, myself illegally or maybe legally if I pass my road test because this appointment might be after I finally done my road test???
5 hour: Still need to set up (**needs to be before 7-6-11 when I have my road test) dad, alaynie?/dad, cab, myself illegally?
Road test: Wednesday 7-6-11 2:00 pm (**need to be there half an hour early) ?/maybe, hopefully CJ?

I just left CJ a message on Facebook asking if she could maybe be my licensed driver for road test.. she's the only other person I know that has a license besides Brad and my dad and since they both can't take anymore work off she's my last hope.. Sighhhhhhhh. I really don't know who else I could askkkkkkkk. >=\\\

***As I was typing this out CJ messaged me back and said she can't... she has a suspended license.. Ughhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm screwed.

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