Saturday, May 28, 2011


My internet has been shut off for the last few days that is why I haven't updated this with anything... I am tired... I am writing this laying down in my bed... lol.

So some things to note about the last few days...

Tuesday I believe was the day Aiden had Special Olympics.. He didn't do so good, he did good last year I guess. This is the first year I went but I think this is his third year doing it.

Mom asked me the day before if I wanted to walk up to Jefferson with her. I told her I could just drive us up there. So that's what I did, we stopped by Wilson Farms to pick up something to eat for lunch. I got Kailynn and I Lunchables and her a little bowl thing of fruit that came with a cute little spork thing that bent in half.. I was going to give it to Jen next time I see her because I thought she'd like it since it's plastic and little and cute but I ended up throwing it out.
I was shocked when we arrived.. there was literally no parking spots.. than I found this one that was like really tiny, I wasn't sure I could squeeze in there, but I did and I was hugely proud of myself. My mom was like "I have no idea how you did that.." hahar. I am good, K. =]

I couldn't pay much attention to how Aiden and the event was going.. I only really got to see him race.. I had to chase Kailynn all over Strider field because she doesn't like to be held for very long... eventually though she must of got tired or hot because I got to hold her for awhile.. It was really hot out (my shoulders actually got burnt and I never get burnt) and I was getting really frustrated. She kept trying to play in the sand pits.. everyone thought she was adorable though. Eventually I went back to my car to get her stroller. I wish I had used the stroller earlier because she was a lot easier to control in there.. I didn't think she would like being in it because she usually doesn't. She probably didn't mind the shade from the umbrella like thing to cover the seat. Oh and I accidentally interfered a race. Ugh I was so embarrassed. I was trying to find my mom and Aiden and I was on my phone talking to her trying to find her because there was like a million people there.. so I didn't notice I was walking where they were doing the races, I finally realized it when I noticed a bunch of people were looking at me and someone was waving their arms over to one side trying to signal me to get out of the way..

Tuesday I also went to DMV to basically beg them to get me a road test before my 5 hour expires. They told me that I should be fine since I made my appointment before it expires. They had like two different people trying to help me out.. at first one lady was saying it had to be good for the test, than she changed her mind... I don't know.. the other lady just seemed to I have a feeling the person that will test me is going to be an asshole and say no I can't do it because it's expired. I haven't canceled my new 5 hour class appointment just in case they end up being jerks and I have to go do it again and set up another road test. Blehhhhh, I wish I could set up another road test appointment too because now the earliest is July 20th.. that went fast since I just made mine and it's for July 6th... but they only let you do one at a time. Roar so who knows when I can do another road test after I find out I can or cannot do it on July 6th. >=\ July 20th would be great for another road test since my appointment for 5 hour is on July 11 and 12th. So whatever.. I am just going to go to my test and try.. the worst that can happen is they say no or I fail and I have to go to the stupid 5 hour and then setup another road test that will probably be another couple months away. >x| I don't think I am even going to point out that it's expired and see if they notice.

Yesterday morning I felt like I was dying.. I woke up at like 5 am feeling like I couldn't breathe. My heart was also beating really really fast and hard. It felt like I was just running a far distance and I was out of breath because of it and I was trying to catch my breath. It hurt, my whole chest was sore. I'm not sure why I felt like that but I immediately thought it might be because of anemia. (I was anemic with Kailynn and had to take iron pills, but for some reason I must have not been anemic when I got my blood tested because my doctor didn't say I need iron pills) I haven't taken my prenatal vitamin pills in a week because we haven't had the time to get them at rite aid. I seriously thought it was anemia because it felt like my body was trying to pump blood really fast throughout my body and I probably didn't have much blood to pump, anemia is like when your blood count is low.. so that's why I felt like I couldn't breathe because I didn't have enough blood to oxygenate. I also think it might be anemia because the night before I drank some orange juice and orange juice pretty much keeps you from getting any iron. (I didn't know that until I looked up anemia on my phone) It also could of been because I was wearing a shirt that was somewhat tight on me.. I don't knowwww.

"Most commonly, people with anemia report non-specific symptoms of a feeling of weakness, or fatigue, general malaise and sometimes poor concentration." I definitely felt weak.

"In severe anemia, there may be signs of a hyperdynamic circulation: a fast heart rate (tachycardia), bounding pulse, flow murmurs, and cardiac ventricular hypertrophy (enlargement). There may be signs of heart failure."

Yeah I definitely think I was close to dying and it's lame because I knew I was bad and I didn't want to make a big deal out of it but like I never think I am that close to dying. (I expect death to be way worse.. I guess) Luckily I thought it was bad enough to cry to Brad and he was concerned enough to ask his boss if he could leave work a little bit to get me my pills.

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