Sunday, May 22, 2011

Yesterday Was Odd

It was odd because I didn't spend much time on the internet.. which felt really good. I felt like I had a life worth living for kinda. I wasn't just sitting on my couch, watching tv or doing something online or taking care of Kailynn. =] It was good. I wish I could have more days like it.. The nice weather probably helped a lot.

Some really big news, my parents won the house next door! How exciting and weird to think my parents own two houses now.. well to be more precise they own three properties.. the big slice of land next door to my parents didn't come with the house. (they'll own five properties when my grandma passes away but luckily she's really healthy for her age so that won't happen anytime soon (she plans on giving my dad her little house and the cleaners since he's helped her so much with anything that needed to be worked on)) anndd when my parent's pass away they'll pass it all down to me and I'll be responsible to split the profits with all my sisters and brother. But whooo knows, things can change.

Anywaysss, they won the house next door for $7200. Cheapp, Brad and I are thinking about using one of our tax returns to buy a house through the auction.. hopefully we can get a decent one.. or one that has people already living in it so we don't have to do that much work to it..(bad thing about that is that we'd have to evict them =\\) Another bad thing about buying a house that needs some work through the auction is that they require you to fix any code violations within the month you get it.. or they will fine you. That prevents people from just gutting out houses and leaving it to rot, etc. The house next door has a few violations like the roof.. my parents already knew about them though. That's kinda good in a way because that kinda forces my dad to fix it up fast so they can move in and we can move downstairs before the baby is born. xD

Legally my dad isn't supposed to be working on it yet.. even though he bought it it's still kinda considered trespassing.. they need to get the final word from the bank or something... not sure.. but it's not like anyone around here knows that and they all know my dad so it's not like some random person is monkeying around in the neighborhood. Yesterday my dad already started doing yard work, he mowed the lawn and cut a bunch of branches off from the trees. I think he plans on actually cutting down all the trees today. So yes, I am glad they bought it.. that house has a small fence around the yard and it makes it so much easier to keep Kailynn safe.. we were outside like all day back there. It's not that great right now.. the yard is really cushiony because the lawn really needed mowing so there's like LOTS of cut up grass (like a 3 inch layer) just laying around.. there's also huge branches mixed in the grass because a tree was struck by lightning and left chunks of wood everywhere. There's also like a little jungle in the corner of a strange plant or tree.. my dad was saying to dress Kailynn up like tarzan or something and take pictures of her in it.

Hahar, I didn't though.. my cameras are like all full, I don't like deleting thingsssssss because I'm afraid something will break so that I won't have access to them. Blehhhhhhh.

Brad had his step dad stop over and help him replace his radiator so that's good now. They also tried fixing his lights.. they've been collecting moisture inside them for some reason.. not sure if it actually worked yet..

After Brad fixed his car he started drinking.. blehh. I got upset because I knew he'd eventually leave me home, he doesn't invite me to do anything with him on the weekends anymore. =[[ He's lame and it makes me mad because I know he hides shit from me.. like I found out something but I don't even want to announce it to the world. Makes me want to cry because I'm pretty sure Brad does it every time he goes to Bamas when I'm not around..

But this weekend he ended up getting Alyssa to babysit Kailynn so that I could go with.. I thought we were going to go midnight bowling but we went to bars instead. First Dugans.. nothing was going on there but a few people playing pool.. I couldn't play pool because everyone else had the tables and quarters set. =[ Brad knew some dude he calls porkchop.

We left after Brad had a drink.. we noticed a bar next to it called Mojo's seemed like a bunch of people were at.. there was a band playing.. Black Mountain Symphony I think is what it was called. They were really good, the girl played violin. Brad had a couple drinks there.. this really friendly dude named Andy talked to us for a bit.. he noticed that I was pregnant and asked when I was due and junk.

We left there to go to one of Brad's friends place.. that was kinda strange.. we knocked on the door and someone came to the door and asked us who we were without opening it.. they had a light on, they then turned the light off and ignored us.. than some woman came up the steps.. Brad thinks they were doing a drug deal or something.. Lame.

So we went to Bamas.. he wasn't home but we found him across the street at someone else's place.. Their place was really tiny and crowded and gross. The guy that lived there was hugely intoxicated and kept falling so Brad and Bama were like my bodyguards -.- trying to keep me safe because I was pregnant.. it made me feel little or something like I was a baby and I couldn't protect myself from a drunk man.... than we went back to Bamas and played a dice game, Brad got irritated with Bama so we went home.

Since Brad was really intoxicated and Alyssa didn't really want to take a cab we took my car.. she drove to her place and I drove back home alone. Lol she said my car is a boat again.. she thinks it's huge, it's only huge when compared to hers. Her's is really tiny. I had a kinda creepy moment driving home.. there was a deer in the middle of the street looking straight at me.. like I couldn't see her whole body.. just the front of her (I'm pretty sure it was a female because she was big and had no antlers), so there was like only two legs I could see.. to me before I got close to it, it looked like a person just standing there. That thought just kinda freaked me out even though it was just a deer.

Oh yeah before me and Brad left for our little adventure, my parents were gone for a little bit to eat dinner, when they came back it was dark.. I went back outside with Kailynn, that was the first time she played outside at night. She was amazed by the little light up butterflies my mom has out front, they change color. Lol she kept talking to them.. and pointing to them... there's only two but they are like far away from one another so she kept running back and forth to both of them.

1 comment:

  1. llol thatd be funny if andy was the one that used to live w my sister but prob not
