Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I Want My Car

Roar, for real? He said he could have my car ready last Wednesday.. it's been a week now. Things keep popping up I guess... he hasn't even tried getting it inspected yet... he's just been trying to fix it. I guess there was like 7 lights on that we didn't see or know about... He's got all of them but 2 to come off. He said there's only allowed to be one light on in order to pass inspection.

I'm annoyed, I need it to freaken do my driving test.. I really don't want to do the 5 hour again.

At least I know it should be almost new with everything they are doing to it. He seems like a really nice guy for doing all this work if he's actually doing what he says.. I'm glad it's like not being sold as is or whatever and me and Brad have to fix everything wrong with it. I'm kinda happy to be buying a car from him even though my dad told me not to. My dad was kinda right with saying he sells crap since this car seems to be having a lot of problems.. but it's not coming out of Brad's or my pocket to fix it up so =P Hopefully the next time I need to have it inspected myself it won't be as bad.

Supposedly now he's telling Brad it should be done tomorrow, they are going to work on it all night tonight and get it inspected and then get our plates on it in the morning... hopefulllllllly. We'll see. -.-

On another note.. I found Dan from notemine on facebook and asked him if Notemine will come back and he said yes but it might take some time. Grrrrrr, at least I know that it isn't permanently gone. Here... I'll paste what he said.
May 4 at 7:30pm
"BT will be running eventually, it's just gonna be some time. I don't have access to the database while it's offline, so I can't give you a copy of your thoughts, so for now, all you're just gonna hafta wait."


  1. cant you do your test with a different car
    ugh will you teach me how to drive.

    ;-; i fail at life

    how did you find that guy lol

  2. I could if I knew anyone that had a car I could borrow, I don't want to try doing it in my dad's van or truck or brads truck. They are all really big and I think I'd have a difficult time doing the k turn with them..

    I was thinking about maybe asking CJ to help me since she like just passed it last year <> It freaken fails because it doesn't really seem like anyone wants to help me learn parallel or k turn.. brad just wants me to ask my dad but heeee doesn't even really seem to want to help >=\\

    What guy?


    yes have CJ teach you :P lol

    adumbs mom taught me them last year but i was so nubby at them i prob would have failed and now i need to learn them again and better ;-; sigh

    and i fail at turning i think cz we were at bergman park going around the thing and i kept going over a hill. but that was like on dirt and not roads so it was different LOL
