Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Bleh, Bejeweled Blitz on facebook is highly addictive.. I've been wasting my life on it for the last few days.. once I start playing I want to keep playing a million times.. I get addicted to sudoku too. If I have book of them I have a hard time putting it down.

Roarrrrrr, I don't even want to update today.. because I know it will be really long so I just think I am going to ramble for this entry.. I will tell you how my day went tomorrow since tomorrow I won't be doing anything and probably won't have anything interesting to say anyways. I'm tired right now and really want to go to sleep.. hum, hum, hum... yeah I think I'll leave it as that. Goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. no huge update, sad

    i remember playing bejeweled forever ago by myself or with people on MSN

    i was talking to adumb about our failures at life with driving buhh

    anyways you better type yesterdays stuff today lol hopefully it was good

    oh yeah you had your appointment woo updatee
