Thursday, May 19, 2011

Couple More Things

A couple things I forgot to mention in my humongous post..

-I asked my doctor if it'd be fine if I brought Kailynn along with me for my appointments and she said yes.. lol. She is a family doctorr. She was saying she could let Kailynn squirt the gel on my tummy and spread it around but then I might get more than enough on me. I really love my doctor, she's the coolest, nicest person ever. So glad I found her.
-I also asked her about my most recent pap smear because she forgot to mention anything about it the last couple times I've been there. It came back normal! =]] I think that's like three in a row that came out normal. I had two that came out abnormal for some reason.. and that scared the crap out of me.

-My doctor didn't mention anything weird with the ultrasound so he must be pretty perfect, so I probably won't be seeing him again.. =[ boo.

-I think I was also supposed to set up an appointment to drink that hugely sugary crap drink that everyone says is horrible, I didn't think it was that bad... lol I remember everyone telling me that it was really disgusting and I was scared to drink it. You have to drink it all in like 5 minutes and I think it took me like 2 minutes. I chose the orange flavor the last time so I'll probably choose it again this time. To me it tasted like any other orange flavored soda.. I remember it being really cold and you are not allowed to drink/eat anything before you take the test so I was probably thirsty when I did it.

I don't think the lady set it up for me thoughhh, she had a bunch of people trying to call her as she was setting up my regular doctor appointments.

I'm reading about the glucose screening test right noww to refresh my memory.. it's a freaken blood testtt. I was hoping it was a pee test. xD Loll. I couldn't remember. I also have to wait there at the office for like an hour after I drink the drink before they draw my blood.

Fun, fun, funnnnnn. Oh pregnancy crappp.

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