Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Huge Update, Hooray.

Is it lame that I haven't yet posted about yesterday and I still don't feel like it? Ughh, I am being lazy I guess.
I'll start off by talking about today real quick since only one thing interesting really happened. Well I guess I could say a few things.
First thing which really made my day was this little raccoon guy that I found out on my porchhh. He was so cute. I wanted to pet him and keep his fluffy, cute little teddy bear ear self but I am obviously smart enough not to. He acted friendly but I'm afraid he would of been mean if there was nothing in between him, Kiki and myself. He probably would of torn my kitty to pieces. I don't even know if it was a boy.. just seems cuter to think so I guess. I will probably post the short video clip I recorded of him/her once I upload it to youtube. Once Kailynn falls asleep. Hmhmhm.
Also today my parents left around 3 to watch Alaynie run track.. I guess she came up 4th but she was against all the good people from all the other schools. She's been really good at it, she came up 1st on 200 meeter hurdles the other time she went. I'm thinking it was her last track meet today because they gathered all the best kids to compete against one another. But yes, I had to be outside and wait for Aiden's bus to arrive since they weren't home.. the bus kinda tricked me because I swear he usually goes up the street beside our house not on the street in front. I was outback and heard a horn and ran up front to see if it was the bus, sure enough it was and the driver was already out and about to knock on the door. -.- Lamer. But yes while I was outback I had Kailynn with me.. I put her on the trampoline all by herself... at first she walked/ran and figured out that it was bouncy so she did tiny little hops. I climbed on and did slight little hops sitting down.. I figured little bounces won't hurt the baby. I hope not. <> Lol she loved it. I wish I recorded it but I still can't find my camcorder.. I used the camcorder on my cybershot camera to record the raccoon. That's about it for today.
Yesterday I went to my doctor's appointment, found out I gained 10 pounds.. I weighed 140 exactly. It's funny because I made sure I ate a lot so I know I would gain weight and not lose again.. I didn't want to gain that much weight though.. <> ugh. They have a new weight thing though so who knows if the old one was more correct or just failed or if this one is giving me some extra pounds.. before they had one of them old fashioned ones that had little weight things you move around.. this one is digital.. the next time I think will be more accurate as a way to find how much weight I gained since it's the same machine. I did all the usual crap, my doctor asked me if I found out if it was a boy or girl.. told her it's a boy. She told me a lot of her patients are having boys. Hahar. She had a hard time finding his heartbeat for some reason.. took her a couple minutes.. she kept getting mine. I told her I knew he's still alive because right before I walked in he was moving around.. than he kicked her little tool thing and she found it. lool. She also told me that the ultrasound figured my due date was the 21st not the 19th.. but my doctor sticks with the original date since it's close anyways. So I'm glad to hear that since that means my baby is where he's supposed to be at pretty much. =]] (I always get scared I'm not giving him enough essential nutrients.) The ultrasound pretty much said the same thing for Kailynn. She was due for the the 14th of August but they figured the 16th and she was born on the 18th. 4 days late. After my appointment I looked for my cell in my purse and thought I lost it.. all the nice nurses were trying to help me find it.. then one got the bright idea to use the offices phone to call it and see if we could hear it.. we didn't. I was afraid it might of fell out onto the seat in the waiting room and someone took it.. So I ended up using their phone to call my dad. My dad was like "forgot to grab your phone?".. it was in his van and he heard it ring in there -.- loll. Glad I didn't lose it.
After my appointment and once we got done eating dinner Brad and I went out driving to practice, k turns and parallels. I did two parallels and one K turn. I'm pretty much pro at K turns now.. I just need more confidence for parallels. One parallel was with only one car and the other I went in between two cars.. I was so proud of myself for making it in.. and I did it downtown in medium traffic. =] There was a car behind me before I could do it so when I signaled.. they pulled around me. I always got nervous of that idea.. having someone behind me and not knowing what to do.. I don't really need to do anything but use my turning signal so they know what I am attempting to do and they can just go around me.
I realized a lame thing about my car though.. you can't see the trunk from the inside front seat because of the way it's built.. luckily I know it's really tiny. But you can't really see if your back end is close to the car behind you. Lameee.


  1. the bus driver gets out and knocks on doors? lal the one for adumbs nephew just waits outside the house for the kids

    one time i failed and ran with adumbs nephew to the bus in my socks during winter it was ridiculous and adumbs dog ended up getting out and running around with us ughghkjdhfg.

  2. bs driver doesnt even leave the bus*

  3. omg i dont think my comments are making any sense i am tired

  4. I was waiting for him to come home from school.. not go to school. They make sure there is someone home, if no one is outside waiting for him before they drop him off so he won't be alone.
