Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lots of Appointments

Rah, I hate looking for someone to watch Kailynn for me so that I can go to appointments. >=\ It's going to get real stressful when I have to go like every week just for my doctor.. at like the last month of pregnancy you see the doctor more often. I wish my doctor was available at different hours throughout the day during the week but like the latest I think I can make an appointment is at 3 pm and that's like when everyone either goes to work or gets out or is just plain busy. Plus I don't know what would be a good time for like everyone elseeeee. Ugh, I should probably do appointments at like noon..

I need someone to watch Kailynn around 3 pm for Tuesday... my appointment is at 3:15 pm and it will probably only take half an hour.. which is makes it kinda more frustrating because it's only a short amount of timeee. The only thing my doctor does is ask me a couple questions, measure my tummy and look for the baby's heart beat to make sure he's still alive and his heart is strong or whatever... she counts the beats. The nurse just weighs me and takes my blood pressure and tests my pee.

-Alyssa I think usually works 4 pm - 10pm (I already asked her to babysit but she is afraid it's going to take longer than half an hour and she'll be late for work)
-Dad like 5am- 3pm (I could probably ask himmm but that'll be real close too because he needs to pick up kids from school and take Alyssa to work)
-Mom.. I have no idea. I'm guessing completely random, whenever my grandma needs her.
-Brads got mandatory overtime this week because they are falling behind on work they need to get done.. I really don't get how they can make it mandatory.. what if you had another job you needed to go to after that one.
-Jen babysits Adumbs nephew.. not really sure what time she needs to be there for him..

"So I will just say I have to do the bus on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. Adumb's mom doesn't work on Wednesday and Thursday and I babysit on the weekends."

andddd that's like my only possible babysitters.. or people I trust to babysit. humm. I fail. Brad fails.. he has like no family or friends that care really for Kailynn. The only person I really trust Kailynn with on his side is Brad's step dad and he works till 3 pm or Brad's aunt Brenda but we only see her on Christmas so I think it'd be kinda rude to ask her randomly to babysit Kailynn and I barely know her. I know she's a really nice lady that wasn't able to have her own kids and she used to babysit Devin a lot when Brad's mom and step dad needed a babysitter. She took real good care of Devin.. she has like 3 albums of photos of stuff they did with him.

I also should go back on wic to help pay for formula. (Formula is soooo expensive..) You get an appointment with them every 3 months. I can bring Kailynn to that but ughhhhh, it will be a pain when he pops out and I have to take/carry two rugrats to that. Well it probably won't be that difficult at first since he'll probably sleep the majority of the time.

Plus Kailynn I think still has Dr. appointments, just to make sure she's healthy I think... I know she has one when she turns 2. I'm pretty sure my doctor says she won't be getting anymore shots till she's ready to go to school. I don't know.. I'm guessing she wasn't thinking about flu shots.

When the baby is out I'll have his appointments AND mine to go to. Grrrrrr.

Life was so much easier without appointments and kids. >=\\ I figured it'd be so much easier to go to the appointments having a car.. I wasn't thinking that I need a babysitter to go along with it too.

Edit: I just found out that I'm not invited to read Jen's journal anymore.. she must of made it private so Adumb can't read it. Lol, loser better figure out how to invite meeee. =[

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I also just found out that Brad will be taking my car to work until he can get his radiator fixed on his car.. his engine keeps steaming up. Lameeee >=\ but he said he'll take me out practicing after work every time he uses it so I guess that's a good deal.. Heh, but Tuesday I'll probably have to drop him off work when he comes back for break.. so that I can have it to go to my appointment or if I need to pick someone up or whateverrrrrr. I really don't know how I'm going to go to my appointment if I can't find a babysitter. I really hope a cop doesn't pull me over if I'm going to have to do all this illegal driving. >=\


  1. lol i made it private because i couldnt fucking figure the crap out

    i tried to do the invite people to read thing but i needed your email or something so i didnt know wtf to put and it had a add contacts option but you arent my contact and i dont know what that means

    that whole crap is putting me off of writing in here i dont even want to do it anymore >:l whatever

    please figure it out for me thx dies RR


    this whole post was about your appointment and babysitting so its apparent its frustrating you a lot haahahahkjsdhfgkjdfkldfljshf

    adumb saw your status but i was grumpy and wasnt on my computer and figured you would ask if you hadnt found anyone i figured your sister would since she has been

    bt whatver sfldjFLKJ on weekdays i dont babysit obv cz of school, just in the morning so yar

    what else humgr idk

    why dont you take kailynn to your appointments? lol

    maybe you should just request an invitation im getting grump

    lol adumb said i told him i rant about him in my journal and i forgot if i did jokingly or whatever so i was like crap what if he actually tries to find it so ya and then it was making me not want to post so i just did it temporarliterymrkhgdrfkllsfsd.

    GUHHHHHHHHHHJFKSD. i dont even want to update today

    stop being illegal and take your road test i think you would pass it unlike me. >:l my life fails

    sflsdkjldjgnbkmlxdfk going to see if your on fartbook

  2. way to cmnt back lynn

    am i your chosen babysittar? lol your list of failsitters is so huge

  3. everytime i babysit her she is like 10 years older

  4. yes, I meant to reply but must of got sidetracked.. yes you are my chosen babysitter. =] now will you need a ride? or would adumb be able to or your dad? if you do need a ride where are you going to be? adumbs or your parents? I can pick you up if you don't mind the idea of me doing it illegally.. I'm a decent driver so we won't get hurt or anything. It'll be better than riding with CJ driving.. loll, I can promise you that. If it's adumbs place I can just plug in the address to my gps.

  5. looooooooool buahahah. you always making fun of CJ's driving XD :X shh

    I will probably be home, because Adumb sleeps during the day and wakes up later so I usually just have my dad pick me up after I'm done in the morning.

    My dad can prob take me if he gets out of work on time, when would I have to be there, like 3? or earlier?

    humum lol i've never driven with you :P buaha

    o wait idk if he has to take my sister to work around then ugh dsjfSAKFHD lol -asks

  6. my dad is being a freaking retard ugh -annoyed

  7. idk i guess, my dad is being grump about gas cz me and my sister fail and if shes not even giving him money its lame for me to

    we both dont carry cash so hes like blahlah -.-

    stupie cars and driving

  8. Blehhh, I guess my dad can watch Kailynn for me. plus give me ride. He doesn't want me to be driving around without my license. -.- I guess Tasha was just caught recently driving around alone drunk so she's in jail and had her permit taken away.

  9. lol o crap. i could always walk, since my dad is a turd. hed prob give me a ride i just need to give him money >:l but if your dad will do it okay harharh this whole thing is getting crazy ahhaha
