Thursday, May 12, 2011

Yesterday I Practiced

Yesterday was a pretty day so I took Kailynn outside.. as usual she was a pain in the butt because she kept trying to get on the road. We desperately need a fenceee. It would make my life so much easier.. I've actually been thinking about just going to parks whenever I want to enjoy the outside and bring Kailynn with because they usually have fences around the park so kids can play safely. At least a lot of yard all around so I have time to catch her before she gets herself into any danger.. but that requires some gas because I am not going to lug Kailynn, myself, and Alex up a couple streets on a hot sunny day. I'd probably faint.
So yes, she's not really interested in "playing" outside.. she just wants to run around and explore. There was one cute moment when she let me hold her hand walking down the street but once we got to the end of the street she wanted to keep going so I had to lug her back all the way up the hill.

I put a cute little dress on her.. mostly yellow with pink/white splotches (maybe flowers).. and some monarch butterflies. It's adorable on her. When I put it on her I realized that once Alex is here it might be kinda hard for her to stay girly with two brothers.. =[ Lameeee. I'll have to be extra girly or something.. lol I imagine me and her in like 4 years going to get manis and pedis or just shopping together a lot. We'll do girly things together and let the boys do whatever they want to do.

Once I got tired of chasing her around I brought her up front... put her down for a second so I could throw her ball up onto our deck so I didn't have to lug that and Kailynn upstairs along with my camera, car keys, and cell phone since I didn't have any pockets. She found my parents glass ball decoration thing and it had chimes underneath so she was playing with those... I got distracted for a second because there was a really big pretty blue jay like 4 feet away from me and I was thinking about taking a picture of it. Than I heard a big smash and I looked behind me and the green glass ball was shattered into a million pieces next to Kailynn... so now I owe my parents a new glass ball. She didn't get hurt but I got a little piece of glass stuck inside my finger trying to clean it up.. it hurt and I was about to flip because I didn't think I was going to be able to get it out but I did. I brought Kailynn upstairs leaving the shattered ball there because she was trying to help clean it up, luckily Brad was getting out of work in a few minutes. Once he got home I told him what happened and went back down there to clean it up. I cleaned up as much as I could see, even really tiny little pieces because I didn't want my parent's cats to cut their feet on it. My parents didn't even really like that ball.. didn't go with the color scheme they are after.. so now I have to look for a silver or a burgundy one. Silver will probably be easier to find.

After I cleaned it up I went back upstairs, about an hour later I made dinner (Tacos) and about an hour after that I asked Brad to take me to go practice k turns and parallels.. at first he really didn't want to but I started crying because it doesn't really seem like anyone wants to help me and I NEED help and it needs to be soon. So we went to Allen park and pretended this chunk of concrete paving was a car because around it was black top paving so it looked kinda like the size of a car.. bad thing though.. it was right next to the ice rink so it was to the left side of me.. if you are doing parallels you would be parking to the right, not the left.. and I just realized that when I woke up this morning thinking about yesterday. Still I got the ball park idea on how to do it.. I did really good.. I just need to practice now with actual cars.. I'm pretty sure I can do it now. Than we went onto this street next to Allen park and I tried to do a K turn.. either the street was too narrow or I didn't turn my wheel all the way the first time (I'm not sure) because I ended up doing what CJ did on her test.. having to change my direction like four times instead of three. Than we went for another street that was wider and I would of done it perfectly but two cars were heading my way so I was kinda in a hurry and my back tires kinda hit the curb hard. Didn't help that Brad was like "OMGOSHJ GO FASTEROWQWET@#(%&@#%" Other than hitting the curb kinda hard I did it how you are supposed to... only three.

So I'm pretty confident now.. I think that if I had to take the test tomorrow I would pass. I think I was so scared of doing those because I only done them one each with the scary dude my grandma hired to teach me. Him alone scared the shit out of me, he was kinda mean and because he made me do everything I needed to know to pass the test.. which I never done prior.. Before I drove with him I only drove like a few times in little traffic in my neighborhood but he made me go to Lakewood in high traffic, park in a parking spot between two cars go to side streets to parallel and K turn.. I don't even think I knew I had to do a K turn or knew anything about it.

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